There was a lot of debate these last years around sustainability of biodiesel due to the increasing prices seed oils.
In addition current oilseeds production systems raise environmental concerns because lands are intensively cultivated requiring high fertilizer and water inputs.
The high UCO potential is recognized also by the EU directive 2009/28/EC, where waste vegetable or animal oil biodiesel is reported to save about the 88% of greenhouse emissions, a quite high value if compared to biodiesel from common vegetable oils, whose greenhouse emission savings range from 36 to 62%.
Hence there was developed a new trend from many biodiesel plants which started partially or totally using used cooking oils in their feedstock ITN always close in the new trends of biodiesel sector can supply low acidity and impurity used cooking oils from reliable collectors in middle east and Asia.
UCO can be offered in flexi bags with heaters pads, iso tanks, drums and IBCs depending on the customer’s needs.
Here below the main qualities of UCO which ITN can supply: