Responsible Care

Responsible Care is the chemical industry’s unique global initiative that drives continuous improvement in health, safety and environmental (HSE) performance, together with open and transparent communication with stakeholders. Responsible Care embraces the development and application of sustainable chemistry, helping our industry contribute to sustainable development while allowing us to meet the world’s growing need for essential chemicals and the products those chemicals make possible.

ITN active engagement in alternative green power sources, such us Biodiesel, Biomass and Biogass industry proves our implementation of responsible care directives not only in theory but in practice. Adopting fully this philosophy we are implementing the ICCA Global Product Strategy (GPS) which seeks to improve the industry’s management of chemicals including the communication of chemical risks throughout the supply chain. Through Responsible Care we report the chemical industry is reporting and tracking its progress on critical elements of product stewardship and is making further improvements to its current processes.

Our sister transport company has been being successfully assessed by independent assessors from Lloyds to obtain SQAS certificate (Safety & Quality Assessment System), which is a system to evaluate the quality, safety, security and environmental performance of Logistics Service Providers and Chemical Distributors in a uniform manner. The score obtained from Transnet was on the higher side was on the higher side since it reached 80 %.